If you are facing a conviction for a crime, it’s important to follow the rules of your probation. There are several actions that could violate the terms of your probation, which could lead to heftier penalties or even jail time. At The Gordon Law Firm, our criminal defense attorneys can help you determine the requirements of your probation and defend you during violation hearings.
In the state of Virginia, the judge provides all the conditions of your probation in a court order. You are then assigned a probation officer who enforces the requirements. Some of the most common violations of probation include:
- Not reporting to your probation officer
- Refusing to pay restitution to your victim
- Driving with a restricted or suspended license
- Being accused of committing another crime
- Failing to appear in court hearings
- Ignoring community service requirements
- Skipping your counseling sessions
- Disobeying restraining orders
- Using drugs or alcohol
- Possessing a firearm
- Quitting your job
- Leaving the state
These requirements vary depending on the details of your case. Failing to comply with the terms of your probation may cause a judge to extend your probation, add certain conditions, sentence you to jail, or completely revoke your probation altogether. However, if you follow the guidelines of your probation order, it will expire on the date indicated by the court.
Even if you have violated the terms of your probation, our skilled criminal defense lawyers may be able to ease the impact of the offense and achieve a favorable outcome. Attorneys Carlos Wall and Alex Gordon have represented hundreds of people accused of probation violations for DUI, drug, and domestic assault convictions in the state of Virginia.
Accused of Violating Probation in Virginia? Contact The Gordon Law Firm Now
If you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation, call Alex or Carlos today at 703-218-8416 to schedule a free consultation. We will assess your situation and develop a strategy to defend you from fines, probation extensions, and jail time. We are proud to serve clients living in Fairfax, Leesburg, Manassas, and other nearby Virginia communities.