The Effects of having a juvenile record in Virginia
Frequently asked questions concerning the consequences of adjudications in Virginia juvenile courts.
The Gordon Law Firm has helped hundreds of children and their parents in the Virginia Juvenile and Domestic Relations courts of Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun county. A juvenile record can have lasting effects upon a child's future. If you or your child have any questions concerning a current or past case in Virginia's juvenile courts, please contact Alex Gordon or Carlos Wall for a free consultation at 703.218.8416.
There are also steps that may be available to have a juvenile felony adjudication reviewed by the court in order to have the matter reduced or dismissed. There are time limits to to this legal process, so please contact our firm as soon as possible if you wish to investigate the possibility of a reduction of a felony charge.
Who can look at my juvenile record on a non-traffic related case?
Many juvenile records in Virginia are confidential and not available to the public. But if you were
- adjudicated of a felony and
- 14 years or older at the time of the offense
your juvenile record will be available to the public.
If I am adjudicated guilty of traffic infraction or misdemeanor, will it be seen on my record with the Department of Motor Vehicles?
Yes. The records of traffic tickets and traffic misdemeanors are listed with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. As a result, an insurance company may be able to see the record of adjudication and increase your insurance premiums because of a traffic offense that occurred prior to you turning 18 years old.
Can I keep people from being able to look at my juvenile record?
Only if it was a misdemeanor. If you have been adjudicated of a misdemeanor offense, it will automatically be expunged and destroyed after five years have passed from the last hearing in your case and you are at least 19 years old.
Felony-level offenses are not eligible for expungement.
Can my juvenile record be used against me in later juvenile or adult cases?
Maybe. Having a juvenile record in Virginia can sometimes lead to more serious consequences in a later case if you are charged as a juvenile or as an adult. Juvenile records are considered on Virginia’s recommended sentencing guidelines if you are convicted as a felony as an adult.
Will my juvenile record affect my ability to go to my local middle or high public school?
Maybe. Your juvenile record can be shared with your school and may affect your ability to continue to attend the same school.
Can I get accepted to college if I have a juvenile record?
Yes. You may need to declare you have a juvenile record on some college applications. Your juvenile record may also show up on a background check done by the school. This could affect the school’s decision to accept your application.
Can I get a federal student loan to help pay for college, technical school, or a trade program if I have a Virginia juvenile record?
Your juvenile record should not impact your ability to get federal student loans to help pay for school.
Can I get a job if I have a juvenile record in Virginia?
Yes, but you may need to say you have a juvenile record on some job applications or your juvenile record may show up on a background check, which could affect the employer’s decision to hire you.
Can I join the military if I have a juvenile record?
Possibly. A juvenile record might make it harder for you to enlist in the armed forces. Different offenses, length of probation, and
Will my Virginia juvenile record affect my immigration status?
It’s complicated and there are many factors to consider. Your juvenile record might affect your ability to remain in the United States. You will want to discuss this with an experienced immigration attorney.
Can I get public benefits like food stamps, Medicaid, and Social Security with a Virginia juvenile record? What happens to my benefits if I am placed in detention or jail?
You should be able to get public benefits with a Virginia juvenile record. But, getting incarcerated might affect things like food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Can I live in public housing or rent an apartment if I have a Virginia juvenile record?
Maybe. A juvenile record may limit your public housing options, depending on the type of offense and where it happened. Because some juvenile records in Virginia are public and can appear on background checks, private landlords may find out about your juvenile record. This could affect a landlord’s decision to rent to you.
If I had to give DNA as part of my juvenile case in Virginia, what happens to the DNA record after my case is closed?
If your DNA was taken, the police enter the DNA record and sample into a computer database, which can be shared with local, state, and federal law enforcement.
Do I have to register on the sex offender registry if I have a sex offense on my juvenile record in Virginia?
Maybe. If you are adjudicated for a sex offense committed when you were 13 years old or older, the judge could require you to register on the sex offender registry.
Can I get or keep my Virginia driver’s license or state ID if I have a juvenile record?
Maybe. The juvenile court judge can suspend your driver’s license or impose a curfew and restrict what hours you are allowed to drive. Your juvenile record should not impact your ability to get or keep a state ID.
Can I vote in Virginia if I only have a juvenile record?
Yes. Your juvenile record does not impact your right to vote in Virginia.
Can I serve on a jury in Virginia if I only have a juvenile record?
Yes. Your juvenile record does not impact your ability to serve as a juror in a criminal or civil trial.
Can I own or carry a gun if I have a juvenile record in Virginia?
Maybe. You may not be allowed to own or carry a gun until you are 29 if you were adjudicated of certain offenses. Speak to an attorney to clarify the limitations if you have any questions.
The Gordon Law Firm has helped hundreds of children and their parents as they face the difficult process of fighting a case in Virginia juvenile court. If you or your child have any questions concerning a current or past case in juvenile court in Northern Virginia, please contact our juvenile court defense lawyers Alex Gordon or Carlos Wall for a free consultation at 703.218.8416.